Dawn Pisturino's Blog

My Writing Journey

Thomas Wikman’s Review of “Lunar Gazing Haiku”

(Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino.)

I’m proud and happy to share that my short digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, has remained a #1 Amazon New Release in several categories since it began selling on June 11th — mostly bouncing between #1 in Asian Poetry and #1 in Japanese Poetry & Haiku. This has exceeded my wildest expectations, and I owe it all to YOU! Thank you so much!

Today, I want to share Thomas Wikman’s review.

Thomas is a retired engineer and a HUGE dog lover. Here’s what he says about himself on his website, Leonberger Life.

“I am a retired software / robotics engineer with a background in physics—but this blog is primarily about Leonbergers, an unusual and fascinating dog breed that is known for its size, affectionate nature, and intelligence.

“I know a lot about Leonbergers because my family was lucky enough to live with one for thirteen years. His name was Le Bronco von der Löwenhöhle—but we called him “Bronco” for short.”

After Bronco died, Thomas wrote a delightful book about him and his other family dogs. Check it out on Amazon at https://a.co/d/03O7tro3.

I’m very grateful to Thomas for the lovely review he wrote on Amazon and his blog of Lunar Gazing Haiku. Thank you so much, Thomas! I can never tell you enough how much I appreciate it.

Thomas Wikman

5.0 out of 5 stars Snow Moon

Reviewed in the United States on June 25, 2024

“Lunar Gazing Haiku is a delightful short book featuring 62 Haikus about the seasons, holidays, nature, love, spirituality, animals and the moon. The book also has an interesting introduction explaining what a Haiku is and the history of Haiku. The Haikus in the book are fun, ponderous, beautiful, often soothing and sometimes they evoked beautiful imagery and memories. . .”

Please go HERE to read the rest of the review. Thank you!

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Lunar Gazing Haiku (2024) – #1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry, Japanese Poetry & Haiku, and 45-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

#1 Amazon Bestseller Author 2024

#1 Amazon Bestseller Co-Author 2022, 2023, 2024

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Cadence: Life’s Poetic Rhythms (2024)

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology (2024)

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology (2023)

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women (2024)

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org

June 27, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


Two Haiku from “Lunar Gazing Haiku”

(Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino.)

My new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, reached #1 Amazon New Release in 45-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads on Wednesday, which surprised me greatly. I want to thank everybody for their support. I couldn’t do it without you.

Purchase Link: https://a.co/d/1ZmeKB7

The Kindle app can be downloaded to your cell phone for free.

Here are two haiku from the chapter “Haiku for Summer”:

The Blues

monday morning blues

deep as a newborn sunrise

summer sings farewell


sunflowers bob heads

up and down — turn with the sun —

a summer peepshow


For my birthday and Father’s Day, we’re driving to Las Vegas to visit with my sister-in-law and nephew. They have a friend playing in the World Series of Poker, which is pretty cool.

Enjoy your lovely June day! Can you believe that the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere is next week, on June 20th? The year is flying by.

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Lunar Gazing Haiku (2024) – #1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry and 45-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

#1 Amazon Bestseller Author 2024

#1 Amazon Bestseller Co-Author 2022, 2023, 2024

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology (2024)

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology (2023)

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women (2024)

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org

June 14, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


#1 Top Release in Asian Poetry – “Lunar Gazing Haiku”

(Graphic created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino)

I had planned to launch my new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, tomorrow morning, June 12th, as promised, but when I checked on Amazon, the book had already reached #1 New Release in Asian Poetry, dropped down to #2, #1 in Contemporary Poetry, #3 in Japanese & Haiku Poetry, #3 in 45-Minute Teen and Young Adult Short Reads, and dropped to #7 in 45-Minute Teen and Young Adult Short Reads. This is beyond my wildest expectations! Thank you, thank you, thank you for following my blog, supporting my work, and purchasing this short E-book. I set the age range from 16 years old on up, in case you were wondering about the 16-18 reading age. The Kindle app can be downloaded to your cell phone for free.

There will be no paperback. This was my first time using Kindle Direct Publishing, and I wanted to make it easy on myself until I learned how to use it properly. Paperbacks require a lot more work, especially the cover. I also felt the book was too short for a paperback.

Lunar Gazing Haiku Book Blurb:

“In Japan, tsukimi (moon gazing) is an annual Harvest Moon Festival celebrated in September. Dating back centuries, when the noble classes composed music and poetry while viewing the full moon, the festival now includes everybody and marks the celebration of the autumn season. Looking for the ‘rabbit in the moon’ while picnicking under the stars, appreciating the moon’s sacred splendor, giving thanks for bounties received, and looking forward to a prosperous future make this a special event. The 62 haiku in this digital chapbook celebrate all seasons and all aspects of life, with the last chapter dedicated to moon gazing. Enjoy the fun!”

Purchasing links:



Have a blessed day!

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Lunar Gazing Haiku (2024) – #1 Amazon Top New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

#1 Amazon Bestseller Author 2024

#1 Amazon Bestseller Co-Author 2022, 2023, 2024

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology (2024)

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology (2023)

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women (2024)

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org

June 11, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


“Forgiving and Forgetting” on Spillwords Press

(Photo courtesy of Spillwords Press.)

I’m excited to share that my poem, “Forgiving and Forgetting,” has been published today on Spillwords Press. Thank you, Dagmara K, and your team, for publishing it! Please visit Spillwords and show them your support.

Forgiving and Forgetting

by Dawn Pisturino

Whispers on the wind
Sent sweet bouquets and promises
Of unfulfilled desires,
Caressing resting embers
Into walls of wildfires
That shook my heart awake.
You called to me and said,
It’s time to join the living.
Your love is far from dead. . .

Please click HERE to read the rest of the poem. Thank you!

Exciting news! My new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku, is now live on Amazon Kindle! It’s $0.99 in the Kindle store or free on Kindle Unlimited.


Official launch: Wednesday, June 12th!

Thank you so much for visiting! Have a beautiful day!

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Lunar Gazing Haiku

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

#1 Amazon Bestseller Co-Author 2022, 2023, 2024

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology (2024)

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology (2023)

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women (2024)

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org


“Cat and Ghost Game” on Gobblers & Masticadores

(Photo from Peakpx)

I’m pleased to announce that my poem, “Cat and Ghost Game,” has been published today on Gobblers & Masticadores. I want to thank Manuela Timofte for publishing it. Please visit Gobblers and show them your support. Thank you!

Cat and Ghost Game

by Dawn Pisturino

It was strange

The way the candlelight

Seemed to bounce across the ceiling,

In leaps and bounds,

Like a playful poltergeist

Putting on a show. . .

Please click HERE to read the rest of the poem.

Look for my new release, Lunar Gazing Haiku (Ebook only), coming June 12th to Amazon Kindle. This will be my first time using Kindle Direct Publishing, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well.

Petals of Haiku: An Anthology reached #1 status on Amazon in two categories. Here’s the purchase link: https://a.co/d/jbsrmby

The book was edited by Gabriela Marie Milton and published by Literary Revelations Publishing House.

Cadence: Life’s Poetic Rhythms anthology from Prolific Pulse Press is projected to come out in late June. Three of my poems will be included.

New Lyricist, Issue No.1, from Ingrid Wilson and Experiments in Fiction, is targeted to be released by July 20th, if all goes well. This is Ingrid’s exciting new venture using a magazine format and will include my poem, “The Storm.”

Thanks for visiting!

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org


My Interview with JazzArt en Valencia

(Street Art Photo by sterlinglanier Lanier on Unsplash)

I agreed to do an interview with surreal-expressionist painter Francisco Bravo Cabrera of JazzArt en Valencia, a resident artist in Valencia, Spain, and owner of Omnia Caelum Studios. I’ve known Francisco for a while now, and he is a passionate artist, writer, poet, and musician who once worked as a police officer in Miami, Florida, USA.

Here’s my answer to his first question:

  1. Who are your major literary/artistic references?

Depending on what I’m writing, my major influences have been H.P. Lovecraft, Edgar Allan Poe, the Bronte sisters, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Thomas Hardy, and the great Russian writers.

Please click HERE to read the rest of the interview.

In 2022, I featured Francisco and his art on my blog. To learn more about him, click HERE.

Thanks for stopping by! Look for my new release, Lunar Gazing Haiku (Ebook only), coming in June!

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org

May 31, 2024

Copyright 2024 Francisco Bravo Cabrera. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.