Dawn Pisturino's Blog

My Writing Journey

Review of “Ariel’s Song” by Kym Gordon Moore

(Graphic by Kym Gordon Moore)

My friend and mentor, Kym Gordon Moore of From Behind the Pen, has written a lovely review of my first poetry book, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023, on her popular blog. When she contacted me about doing a review, she immediately reminded me that now that I’m a real writer, I have to post my picture—not an avatar—on my blog and across my social media accounts. And I needed to update my social media links. Since Kym is a force of nature, I immediately hopped to it and spent hours updating my social media accounts and author website. Thank you, dear Kym, for your advice, input, friendship, and lovely words!

The Poetic Melody of Ariel’s Song by Dawn Pisturino

by Kym Gordon Moore

“After grabbing my copy of Dawn Pisturino’s debut poetry collection, Ariel’s Song, which is dedicated to her daughter Ariel Therese Pisturino, you are drawn into the loving and tender emotions of the rumination her heart emits. . .”

Please go HERE to read her review.

Available on Amazon Kindle.

(Photo by Nigel Byng of Helping You to Succeed – Thank you, Nigel!)

Thanks for visiting!

Dawn Pisturino

March 28, 2024


Selma’s Review of “Ariel’s Song” 3/23/24

(Graphic by Selma Martin) Dawn Pisturino–Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023

Poet extraordinaire Selma Martin was the first person to tell me she had read my book. She kindly offered to share her knowledge and experience about book promotion (her first poetry book, In the Shadow of Rainbows, debuted in 2023). Here is the review she posted on her website on March 22nd and 23rd, 2024. Don’t forget to view the wonderful slide show she put together with quotes from my poems. Thank you, Selma, for your feedback, advice, input, and support!


When, Despite The Busy-ness, You Find Ways To Support

Just the other day I told you how Spring had arrived in my area, but today I’m not
sure of that. We had sleet in the morning that turned to rain. And boy, is it cold!
And boy, am I busy this weekend!! But we will survive this too.

Hello friends. Hold on to spring if you can.


Today I wish to give you a heads-up on the newest book debuting. And for once I’ll
let these few screenshots speak for themselves. I promise you, you won’t want to
miss this.

In a post later this week, I’ll talk more about the much anticipated Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023–a spectacular poetry collection by our very own Dawn Pisturino of Dawn Pisturino’s Blog. . .


Please click HERE to read the rest of the review.


Available on Amazon Kindle.

(Graphic by Nigel Byng of Helping You to Succeed – Thank you, Nigel!)

Thank you for visiting!

Dawn Pisturino

March 27, 2024

Copyright 2024 Selma Martin. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


Thank you, Michelle Ayon Navajas!

(Graphic by Michelle Ayon Navajas)

When Michelle contacted me and told me she wanted to help promote my book, I was touched and overwhelmed by her kindness and generosity. As editor of Hotel Masticadores and co-editor of Hotel Philippines, she has done a fabulous job in bringing both of those magazines to life. Thank you, Michelle! I will never forget what you have done for me.

Read her personal blog post HERE.

Read her post on Hotel Masticadores HERE.

Read Nigel Byng’s re-blog HERE.

Thank you, Nigel, for your kindness in re-blogging Michelle’s post!

Several people have asked me if the book is available now. Although I designated March 23rd as the official Ebook launch, the Ebook is available right now on Amazon and other platforms. The print book is still processing at IngramSpark but the Lulu edition is available in the Lulu Bookstore. I decided to go wide and publish on multiple platforms and globally distribute through two different book distributors. I will host a paperback launch when the print book from IngramSpark is published and available on Amazon and other platforms.

Thank you very much for your patience, kindness, and support!

Dawn Pisturino

March 19, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


“A Rustling in the Corn” Collaboration with Nigel Byng

(Cover art by Nigel Byng)

It finally happened!

Master storyteller Nigel Byng contacted me to collaborate on a story and poem around Halloween, but we were both too busy then to embark on a new project. But here it is, folks, and I hope you enjoy our combined efforts. Nigel wrote the short story, and I responded with a poem.

Read the story here: “A Rustling in the Corn,” a short story by Nigel Byng.

A Rustling in the Corn

by Dawn Pisturino

A Poem in Response to the Story by Nigel Byng

Dedicated to the victims of the war in Ukraine

A young girl with high hopes

Trudges through a cornfield

For miles and miles,

A tender flower on the cusp of womanhood.

She hides from the Russian soldiers

Patrolling her village with guns

And turtle-like tanks.

They watch the women

With open desire,

Making lewd gestures with their hands.

They ply young girls with promises of candy.

Some have already disappeared.

The bomb that shattered her school

Shattered her soul.

Not even the scars on her face

Can save her from the Russian onslaught.

This morning, she bound her budding breasts

And donned her brother’s clothes,

Cropped her shoulder-length hair,

And kissed her mother’s cheek.

Her mother looked at her with empty eyes,

Still trying to forget the soldier who raped her

And the one that followed.

The girl says goodbye and leaves.

She cannot miss her appointment with the man

Who will help her escape to a better world.

A better world. . . if only.


Thank you, Nigel, for giving me this opportunity to collaborate with you!

Thank you, dear Readers, for taking the time to peruse our little project.

Have a blessed day!

Dawn Pisturino

January 25, 2024

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.