Dawn Pisturino's Blog

My Writing Journey

Selma’s Review of “Lunar Gazing Haiku”

(Created on Canva by Dawn Pisturino.)

I want to thank poet Selma Martin for reading and reviewing my new digital chapbook, Lunar Gazing Haiku on Amazon and Goodreads. Selma is a lovely woman who goes out of her way to support other authors. It’s critically important that small press and self-published authors support each other in this competitive industry. I’ve found that a lot of authors expect people to buy their books, give them positive reviews, and spread the word without ever returning the favor to other authors. The very purpose of a writing community is to mutually support one another. Nobody can afford to buy everybody’s book, including me. But if you read someone’s book, please do your part and write a review. Thank you.

Selma in Japan

5.0 out of 5 stars 

Perfect for your moon gazing nights

Reviewed in Japan on June 17, 2024

Verified Purchase

“I’m a haiku enthusiast and believe all haiku lovers will be smitten with the lines penned in this stellar Lunar Gazing Haiku Collection.

“Author Dawn Pisturino is who to seek out for timely haiku that resonate on any moon gazing night — for isn’t it then that our innermost thoughts come out like little haiku poems? I think so.

“I’m glad I purchased this book. Glad to add to my ever growing haiku collection. Satisfied customer in Japan.”

Thank you, Selma, for your stellar review!

Purchase link: https://a.co/d/1ZmeKB7

Please visit Selma’s website and experience her beautiful and sensitive poetry! Check out her wonderful poetry collection, In the Shadow of Rainbows, on Amazon at https://a.co/d/e9m3XIe.

Have a beautiful and blessed June day! For some reason, we’ve had unseasonably cool weather for the last couple of days while the rest of the country is roasting. If you’re under the heat dome, drink plenty of water and stay as cool as you can.

Dawn Pisturino

Author, Lunar Gazing Haiku (2024) – #1 Amazon New Release in Asian and Contemporary Poetry and 45-Minute Teen & Young Adult Short Reads

Author, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023

#1 Amazon Bestseller Author 2024

#1 Amazon Bestseller Co-Author 2022, 2023, 2024

Author of the Month for March 2024 on Spillwords Press

Co-Author, Petals of Haiku: An Anthology (2024)

Co-Author, Hidden in Childhood: A Poetry Anthology (2023)

Co-Author, 2023 Arizona Literary Magazine

Co-Author, Wounds I Healed: The Poetry of Strong Women (2024)

Official Author Website: www.dawnpisturino.org


Selma’s Amazon Review of “Ariel’s Song” 4/1/24

(Graphic by Selma Martin)

I was absolutely thrilled when poet Selma Martin informed me today that she had left her review of my first poetry book, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023, on Amazon and her website. Regrettably, Selma has just experienced a personal loss that touched her deeply, and I was not expecting anything. Our hearts are with you, Selma!


Book Review of Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023

Undergirded in a thread of tenderness the heart understands

Ariel’s Song:  Published Poems, 1987-2023–In this definitive collection selected from
published poems that have already received accolades, poet Dawn Pisturino presents
a personal selection of her best work from three decades.

It warmed my heart to see that the author dedicates the book of brilliantly crafted
verses to her daughter, Ariel: the collection is undergirded by a familiar thread of
tenderness that soon endears one to this author.

In this 130+ page collection of 60 poems, there’s something for everyone in the
various styles and themes: twisted limericks to make you laugh, traditional sonnets
to make you think, love poems, dark poems, children’s poems, nature poems, and
experimental poems.

The book launched on March 23, 2024, and I immediately received my digital copy.
I would have reviewed the book right away if it hadn’t been for a family emergency
that has kept me numb all this time.

https://read.amazon.com/kp/card?preview=inline&linkCode=kpd&ref_=k4w_oembed_kOI786t7K2gyi6&asin=B0CWP2MLPZ&tag=kpembed-20as seen on Amazon.com.

Use this link, please:

What a gift this book is! for its ability to resonate and uplift with a delicate blend
of words and symbolism that expertly balances nature and the human struggle. I
found many instances that resonated deeply and I’m confident a few poems will
do something similar for you. Some of my favorites are these:

“April Showers

I looked into the heavens

And saw the face of God.

He was a kindly gentleman

And not too very loud.

He wore a watch upon his vest

Which gave the time of day.

He looked at it: “The time has come,”

Was all he had to say.

And soon a gentle rainfall

Came from the April sky.

It kissed my wondering up-turned face

And poked me in the eye.

But then a very curious thing

Did happen at my feet.

A tiny flower sprouted up,

All blooming and complete.

It opened up its tiny leaves,

Embracing fast the rain,

And if I ever doubted God—I never did again.”

First published on Gobblers & Masticadores on April 8, 2023.

Please read the rest of the review on Selma’s website:


It looks like I finally uploaded a cover file that Ingram Spark likes. As soon as all the proofs are approved, they will distribute the paperback on Amazon, etc.

I also re-formatted and revised the Word doc for Draft2Digital. As soon as all the proofs are approved, the paperback will be widely available on Barnes & Noble, Kobo, etc.

The paperback is currently available in the Lulu Bookstore.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Dawn Pisturino

April 1, 2024

Copyright 2024 Selma Martin. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


Selma’s Review of “Ariel’s Song” 3/23/24

(Graphic by Selma Martin) Dawn Pisturino–Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023

Poet extraordinaire Selma Martin was the first person to tell me she had read my book. She kindly offered to share her knowledge and experience about book promotion (her first poetry book, In the Shadow of Rainbows, debuted in 2023). Here is the review she posted on her website on March 22nd and 23rd, 2024. Don’t forget to view the wonderful slide show she put together with quotes from my poems. Thank you, Selma, for your feedback, advice, input, and support!


When, Despite The Busy-ness, You Find Ways To Support

Just the other day I told you how Spring had arrived in my area, but today I’m not
sure of that. We had sleet in the morning that turned to rain. And boy, is it cold!
And boy, am I busy this weekend!! But we will survive this too.

Hello friends. Hold on to spring if you can.


Today I wish to give you a heads-up on the newest book debuting. And for once I’ll
let these few screenshots speak for themselves. I promise you, you won’t want to
miss this.

In a post later this week, I’ll talk more about the much anticipated Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987-2023–a spectacular poetry collection by our very own Dawn Pisturino of Dawn Pisturino’s Blog. . .


Please click HERE to read the rest of the review.


Available on Amazon Kindle.

(Graphic by Nigel Byng of Helping You to Succeed – Thank you, Nigel!)

Thank you for visiting!

Dawn Pisturino

March 27, 2024

Copyright 2024 Selma Martin. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


Interview with Poet Selma Martin 3/25/24

(Photo by Dawn Pisturino. Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.)

Poet extraordinaire Selma Martin conducted my first interview for my first book of poetry, Ariel’s Song: Published Poems, 1987 – 2023. The interview is live right now on her website.

To Incentivize: An Exclusive Interview With Dawn Pisturino

a new published

Author in the house,

Author of Ariel’s Song,
Dawn Pisturino.
Photo provided by Dawn.

I went investigating for you.

Please click HERE to read the rest of the interview.

I thank you, Selma, from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support!

Dawn Pisturino

March 25, 2024

Copyright 2024 Selma Martin. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2024 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.


Poetry Book Review: In the Shadow of Rainbows

In the Shadow of Rainbows by Selma Martin (2023). Available on Amazon.com.

Selma describes her debut collection of poems as “seeing rainbows on eyelashes.” What a profoundly potent image in such a simple phrase! Indeed, Selma’s poems have so many such images that I was amazed by her depth of perception. She writes clearly of simple, everyday things with sensitivity and intelligent reflection. She sees magic in the ordinary. She sees fairies where others would see butterflies.

These are excerpts from my two favorite poems in the collection:

Something Broken

“That scraping, maddening sound,

that creaking and groaning I hear –

like iron on iron

that rises with the wind

and is followed by the loud bark

of a neighbor’s dog

       if that dog hears it,

       everyone in this sleepy coastal town does. . .”


“What about the little stars,

Daughter says,

Mom turns to look—

nothing there!

Nothing but pebbles

scattered in the moonlight.

Mothers don’t understand,

the little girl says. . .

Website: http://www.selmamartin.com


Dawn Pisturino

August 16, 2023

Copyright 2023 Dawn Pisturino. All Rights Reserved.